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Team title: SEP Validation

Team ID: H3-01

Team Leads:

Katie Whitman (NASA JSC SRAG, Wyle, USA),

Phil Quinn (NASA JSC SRAG, Wyle, USA),


M. Leila Mays (NASA GSFC CCMC, USA),

Scoreboard Leads:

M. Leila Mays (NASA GSFC CCMC, USA),

Mark Dierckxsens (BIRA-IASB, Belgium),

Leadership Alumni: 

Mike Marsh (UK Met Office, UK),
Ian Richardson (NASA GSFC, UMD, USA),

Keywords (impact): Human exploration

Keywords (activity type): Forecasting, Assessment, 


The ISWAT SEP Validation team is a continuation of the existing SEP Working Team that was developed under the ICCMC-LWS forum. 

Team questions: Where do we stand with SEP prediction? Using case studies of selected events, can we assess where we stand with SEP prediction? How well can the success of SEP models be compared? How do we move beyond using case studies for model/data comparisons?

Campaigns: SHINE 2018, 2019, ESWW 2018, ESWW 2022, SEPVAL 2023. (See team website for presentations and reports).

The SEP Scoreboard also falls under this team's projects. This scoreboard collects and displays real-time SEP forecasts (probability and intensity time series).


Organize community campaigns to evaluate how well different models/techniques can predict historical SEP events throughout the heliosphere

Establish metrics agreed upon by the community

Provide a benchmark against which future models can be assessed against

SEP Scoreboard: Add more models to the scoreboard database/display, gather feedback on the displays, serve forecasts. Begin validation of scoreboard forecasts and investigate automated real-time validation.

Action topics:

Clusters with overlapping topics:  S2 

Link to team external website: (Scoreboard)


Show/Hide Team H3-01 Participants

Clayton Allison (NASA/JSC/SRAG - Space Radiation Analysis Group USA)
Anastasios Anastasiadis (National Observatory of Athens, GREECE)
Hazel Bain (CIRES CU Boulder / NOAA SPWC, USA)
Alessandro Bruno (CUA - Catholic University of America, USA)
Sophie Chabanski (BIRA-IASB, BELGIUM)
Anna Chulaki (CUA - Catholic University of America, USA)
Yaireska Collado-Vega (NASA/GSFC, USA)
Claudio Corti (NASA/NSF Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC), USA)
Silvia Dalla (University of Central Lancashire, UK)
Maher Dayeh (Southwest Research Institute, USA)
Mark Dierckxsens (BIRA-IASB, BELGIUM)
Ricky Egeland (NASA/JSC/SRAG - Space Radiation Analysis Group USA)
Daniel Emmons (Air Force Institute of Technology, USA)
Alec Engell (NextGen Federal Systems, USA)
David Falconer (UAH (University of Alabama in Huntsville), USA)
Alexa Halford (NASA/GSFC, USA)
Samantha Howard (Air Force Institute of Technology, USA)
Junxiung Hu (UAH (University of Alabama in Huntsville), USA)
Meng Jin (LMSAL - Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory, USA)
Insoo Jun (NASA/JPL, USA)
Stephen Kahler (AFRL - Air Force Research Laboratory, USA)
Michalis Karavolos (National Observatory of Athens, GREECE)
Irina Kitiashvili (NASA/AMES, USA)
Patrick Kuehl (University of Kiel, GERMANY)
Timo Laitinen (University of Central Lancashire, UK)
David Lario (NASA/GSFC, USA)
Monica Laurenza (INAF/IAPS - Institute of Space Astophysics and Planetology, Italy)
Christina Lee (UC Berkeley - University of California Berkeley)
Gang Li (University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA)
Chris Light (NASA/NSF Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC), USA)
Jon Linker (Predictive Science Inc., USA)
Robert Loper (CUA - Catholic University of America, USA)
Janet Luhmann (UC Berkeley - University of California Berkeley)
Olga Malandraki (National Observatory of Athens, GREECE)
Mike Marsh (Met Office, UK)
M. Leila Mays (NASA/NSF Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC), USA)
Rositsa Miteva (Institute of Astronomy with National Astronomical Observatory - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Nariaki Nitta (LMSAL - Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory, USA)
Marlon Núñez (University of Malaga, SPAIN)
Dusan Odstrcil (GMU - George Mason University, USA)
Mathew Owens (University of Reading, UK)
Evangelos Paouris (National Observatory of Athens, GREECE)
Athanasios Papaioannou (National Observatory of Athens, GREECE)
Barbara Perri (CEA Saclay, France)
Arik Posner (NASA/HQ, USA)
Phil Quinn (NASA/JSC/SRAG - Space Radiation Analysis Group USA)
Ian Richardson (NASA/GSFC, USA)
Pete Riley (Predictive Science Inc., USA)
Javier Rodriguez-Pacheco (University of Alcala, SPAIN)
Michelangelo Romano (CUA - Catholic University of America, USA)
Nataly Shlyk (IZMIRAN, RUSSIA)
Igor Sokolov (University of Michigan, USA)
Robert Steenburgh (NOAA/SWPC, USA)
Du Toit Strauss (Center for Space Research, North-West University, South Africa)
Stephen White (AFRL - Air Force Research Laboratory, USA)
Katie Whitman (NASA/JSC/SRAG - Space Radiation Analysis Group USA)
Matthew Young (University of New Hampshire, USA)
Lulu Zhao (University of Michigan, USA)
Yihua Zheng (NASA/NSF Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC), USA)